JobWatch: How To Sell Yourself During an Interview

[h2 color=’16a085′] JobWatch: How To Sell Yourself During an Interview[/h2]

Your CV make it to land an interview but will not get you the job, -yet. Now is the crucial part that requires to sell yourself. As it mentioned in the previous post, your CV is your marketing document. Now as a marketeer, you need to sell your brand! To successfully sell yourself in a job interview you will need to do the following:

[h4 color=’16a085′] 🔎 Know who you are[/h4]

The first step to selling yourself is to recognise yourself, that you have sills and abilities worth talking about. Start by looking what you have done so far, what activities you were involved and how the skills you gained will be used in the future. If you were a basketball player will your teamwork, organising and leading motivation to others. If you were good at writing essays and you have won prizes it shows your communication skills. It is also good to ask your friends, parents to tell you where you are good at. Sometimes, we can’t see the obvious and we are requiring a bit of help!

[h4 color=’16a085′]🔎 Present yourself as the solution[/h4]

All companies they have problems they need to be solved. That means you should prepare yourself for an interview where you will go and give solutions to the problems. Read over the job description and try to figure what problems the company needs to help with. Next, all you need is to present yourself as someone who can solve the problems. If you feel that is not comfortable to say you are goof at something, try to tell cases that you were meet a goal. For instance, if you were involved in a project which had a strict deadline you can tell something like: “I was involved in a project were I had to manage my time carefully in order to meet the deadline. At that time, I was also working as part-time freelancer in a company and I also had to complete my obligation for them as well.” In this example, you are not say straightforward you are good at time management, but you demonstrate with an evidence that you are good at it and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable that you oversell yourself! Keep in mind, that such relevant examples can show how your skills provide the solution that the company needs.

[h4 color=’16a085′]🔎 Be confident[/h4]

If you feel nervous pretend you are confident. If you are clear in your own mind what you want at this stage of your career will feel more confident on the interview. Listen carefully to the questions the interviewer is asking and pay attention to any information they give you about the company. If you will constantly think what they will ask and how you will answer the question you will probably lack of concentrate and you will not answer the right way. It is good if you find someone, before the interview and pretend is your interviewer, in this way you will feel less stressed and you will be prepared for the interview as you practised and you will showcase your skills without forgetting anything! Replace any negative thoughts with positives ones. Don’t underestimate yourself that you are not going to get the job. Change your mind and say “I could get the job!”

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