How to Negotiate a Starting Salary

[h2 color=’16a085′] How to Negotiate a Starting Salary [/h2]

Negotiating a salary can be scary. But what’s even scaring is not negotiating. On the one side of the coin, you don’t want to undervalue yourself and on the other, you want to avoid the awkwardness of proposing a high number. So, whether you’re male or female, in your first job or fifth, it’s time to learn how to negotiate. And we’re here to help you with tips to totally prepare you for your next negotiation.

[h4 color=’16a085′] 🔎 Know your strengths and differentiators[/h4]

If you re going to get the pay you deserve, it’s crucial to know the going rate for your position in your industry and geographic area. In addition, what makes you unique from everyone else? Contact a personal SWOT analysis to understand your differentiators and the special skills or experiences that could make you a valuable employee. Ensure you have these, somewhere written down as this information can be used as a leverage to negotiate a higher starting salary with the hiring manager. Negotiating a higher salary involves selling yourself and demonstrating how your contribution to a company will benefit the bottom line. Assess your strength and try to specifically describe the unique value you will bring to them.

[h4 color=’16a085′] 🔎 Educate yourself on the job and company[/h4]

Before you go to the job interview, make sure you know everything about the job. Have a clear understanding of what skills, level o expertise and responsibilities are required for the position. Also, make sure you have asked how the company reviews employee performance as well as the process for promotions. In case an HR person call you for a phone call interview, here you can ask about such type of a question.

[h4 color=’16a085′] 🔎 Research about salary information[/h4]

Start your research and spend time to find out about average salaries and what salary ranges for similar jobs are in your area, industry and geography. Once you finished with your research you can determine an appropriate starting salary based on your own experience and education.

[h4 color=’16a085′] 🔎 Practice your Negotiating Skills[/h4]

Ask friends and family to role-play a salary negotiation with you. Know what you will say if you offered a salary that is lower than what you want. Practice different scenarios and ways to explain yourself in order to persuade the higher manager to increase the offer. But make sure that your main focus is not on the money but your primary interest is to be in the job and what it can offer non-financially.

[h4 color=’16a085′] 🔎 Don’t reveal your salary history [/h4]

Revealing your salary history has the potential to negatively affect your income for your entire career. There’s nothing wrong with declining to disclose it. Kindly, use the line “ I would be glad to help you assess what I’d be worth to your business by showing you what I can do for you, but my salary is personal and confidential, just as the salaries of your own employees re.

In addition, remember to take into consideration the including benefits, vacation time, travel allows and flex time. A job with reasonable salary will increase your skills and offers in the meantime. Be enthusiastic than showing abilities that are not existing. Nobody wants to work with a know-it-al, keep a positive attitude in order to bring the energy into a company.

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