5 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Job Search

If you are in the middle of a job search and feeling a bit dejected make sure you avoid the so called “common jobseeker mistakes”.

The jobsearch can be thankless, especially for those who aren’t currently employed. Rejection is always a guaranteed part of the process, which can be hard to stomach.

With every job being different, it can be difficult to get any steady feedback about where you’re going wrong, too. Is it at the interview stage or the application stage? Is it your experience that is lacking or just the way you’ve represented it?

If you are feeling a little upset from the job search, here are few common mistake you can watch out for.

Not giving the job search priority

Giving enough importance to your job search is balancing act. On the one hand, jobseekers need to understand that finding a job doesn’t take over their lives. They need to spend time with their friends, family and look after their health and find other fulfillment until they have a new job. Therefore, jobseekers need to stay positive!

On the other hand, you can easily fall into the trap of not giving enough time to the jobseeker. By flicking through job hashtags (#) or checking job sites a few times a day and blidndly sending off CVs isn’t going to be enough. Think of the job search a job in itself.

Not following directions

It seems obvious and yet it’s one of the easiest ways to get rejected or get no response at all. Make sure you check and double-check each company wants you to send an application. Is it all in one document or a separate cover letter? PDF or Word Document? Some companies they do not accept sending your CV through email but only submit the form through their website system.

These may seem like random guidelines but if a recruiter is faced with 100 application for five jobs, one in wrong format might be easily cut. There’s no reason to make their job harder.

Not proofreading

You would be surprised how often people don’t proofread their writing. Spelling and grammar mistakes are easy to be spotted and will make you seem careless from prospective employer’s point of view.

If you are applying to a number of similar jobs think twice before using the copy and paste command. For a start, every job application should be tailored even if the changes are small. Secondly, accidentally leaving the wrong person’s name or company in your cover letter won’t look good.

Not googling yourself

It’s tempting to avoid looking at what the internet says about you, but if you think prospective employers aren’t checking you out online, you’re lying to yourself! Get ahead of them by checking out what comes up if they type your name into their search engines. While you are at it, make sure your social media profiles are clean to. [Read also].

Not focusing your search

If you are apply for 40 job, but 35 of those jobs are in other industries other than your filed, you’ve effectively applied for five jobs. Also, another mistake seen among jobseekers is that they repetitive apply for the job. Focus your job search on what you really want to do and apply for each job with passion. It’s important to stay positive throughout the job search and not get disheartened. It’s also important to remain confident in yourself and put your best foot forward.




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