Tips For Keeping the Job You Have

Even if you find a job or you are a jobseeker is important to know how to keep the job you have unless you are ready to move on and have a new job lined up. It’s also, important that even if you are not happy with your job before turning into your resignation to take a look at the following tips and keep your position until you move on. It doesn’t mean that you will stay there forever but nowadays it’s harder to find a new position when you are unemployed.

Tips For Keeping the Job You Have

 Make the Job Work

Try to find something different from what you normally doing and make the job work. Ask for a transfer or shift change so to make a difference and convince you to stay.

Work Hard

It’s important to stay focus on your job and give your employer the time you’re getting paid for. When t come to making lay-off decisions and the company has to choose, your employer will keep the most productive employers. Make sure you are one of them.

Be on Time

Employees who are late to work take a long lunch hour, use a ton of sick time or leave earlier are going to win any points. Bosses will see this. Be panctual and be there, instead of making excuses for why you can’t be at work.

Be a Team Player

Be the employee who gets along with everyone. Who doesn’t take part in workplace gossip and who offers to help colleagues. Being positive and kind goes long way in earning respect and trust from your colleagues. This approach will even lead to your heightened satisfaction and happiness at work.

Be Flexible

Being flexible can be a key component to your job. When company needs someone to change shifts, work weekeneds put in some overtime or take on new tasks consider volunteering if your personal schedule permits.

Don’t Complain

Nobody likes complainers, regardless of how legitimate the complaints are. If you don’t like your job, know that there are plenty of other people who would jump at the chance to get it.

Offer to Help

One of the best ways to get or keep job security is to volunteer for new initiatives to offer help with projects.

Keep Social Media and Work Separate

Even if you hate your job, keep it to yourself or to your trustworthy family. You don’t know who will see any post you make and how this will end. This might can cost your job.


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