Land a Job After you Graduate
[h2 color=’16a085′] Land a Job After you Graduate [/h2]
Congratulations if you are a new graduate! Your studies and efforts gained you a well-earned calling card and now you take your running leap into the “real world”. Being a part of this “real world” means you need also to find a sort of real job as well. And, of course, you’ve heard that is not always easy to find it. Truth, is it’s hard to find a good and actionable advice in general on how to get a job after you graduate. Well, surprise! Team here at Jobwatch has some solid tips that you will help you stand out and find success in this competitive job market. Let’s kickstart it?
[h4 color=’16a085′]🔎 Network!![/h4]
Well, Network! It’s not always what you know but who you know! Often, we get upset, wondering how other people find a job quickly. Well the answer is that they know the right people. But, what if you are someone who has yet build yourself large connections? It’s never too late to start expanding your network! In fact, now it’s the time to shake some hands, meet new people and get your name out there. Start by filling your social media channels with your bio to connect with professionals. Attend networking events, volunteer in your area and join non-profit organisations, start by having conversations with anyone! Even if it’s a random person behind you in a line at the grocery shop. You will be surprise how many opportunities are await for you.
[h4 color=’16a085′]🔎 New Skills[/h4]
If you are just graduating, chances are you feeling a bit anxious about your qualifications and what you can list on your resume. After all, is a fair feeling since you have just graduate and you don’t have an experience. However, now is your time to pick up a new skill that will help you against the competition. Sign up for a course, you can find a lot on-line or in-person. Ask from an expert to mentor and show you how something is done. The more skills you have the better since you have an experience on something and you can showcase your ability.
[h4 color=’16a085′]🔎 Market Yourself[/h4]
I know! That’s a bit weird! I cannot blame you. However, if your vision now is to land a job and land it fast then go and shameless promote yourself! Post status on your social networking profiles, about recent work, awards. Have a resume or a card with your contact information with you everywhere! Put yourself in opportunities since none but you can do this, even if it’s something you find weird. But that’s how you make it!
Approaching a graduation or if you just graduate, might seem a bit scary in terms of what you will do after. Put these tips into work if you want to land a job. It’s an investment of time and energy that is well worth making for your new career!