How to describe yourself during a job interview

During a job interview you will be asked about yourself. So don’t get caught tongued-tied! It’s smart to have a small collection of adjectives that will describe you well and show you off without using the same old words that everybody else is using!

The best strategy to do so, is to think of action verbs and modify them into adjective form. Think how you would describe yourself both personally and at the office, then put together the list and memorize it for ultimate interview success.

How to describe yourself during a job interview with these 8 words!


Communication is one of the most valued skills by most employers, so this is an important word to use! It says that you are someone you care about connecting with clients and coworkers and you are intelligent enough to do so clearly and professionally. Also, you can try to give an example of how you used your communication skills to problem solve.


….Or ambitious! Any adjective that shows you are not just showing up to work for the paycheck and the free coffee is great! These words prove that you are in to win it – both to advance yourself in your career and in the meantime, to advance the company and its most important goals. No-one is going to manage you to keep you motivated. So, you’re “self-motivating”.


This word means that you pay attention to detail, hints your organization skills, your ability to prioritize and the fact that you hate letting anything slip through any cracks. If you’re meticulous, you’re thorough and self-managing and trustworthy. See how much work this kind of word can do? 🙂


Consistent or accountable are also good ones. You’re in it for the team – you don’t just show up for you.  You realize that your work is part of an ecosystem of other people’s projects and you dont let anybody down. You’re not late for work, of for meetings. You can be relied upon to do your job, do it well and deliver whatever needs to be done.


Go ahead and say what difference you made at your last gig. You come on the job and get things done. You can totally brag here at this point and throw in a mention of any accomplishments or awards you may have earned along the way. This word shows you don’t just make promises, you get results.


This shows that you don’t quit until the job is done. You’ will get the project done on time and this conveys that you are “results-oriented” as well.


You are not rigid. You think outside the box. You are able to adapt to challenging circumstances and find the work around that no one else can see. You adapt on the go and keep adapting. You are the kind of employer everybody wants because you are willing to do things outside of job description -provided it makes sense for the company and for the goals for your team.

Team Player

It’s always good to round off a list of descriptors of yourself with something that conveys a bit of humility. “Team-player” transistions easily enough to a description of you are also a “leader” for those of you who want to see to score that last bonus point.


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