5 Warning Signs You Should Look For a New Job

Is it time for you to say goodbye and look for a new job? Part of building the career of your dreams is also knowing when to move on to another opportunity. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms the time has come!

You feel unmotivated

Your current feeling about your job can be best summarized as.. “meh”. You don’t feel invested in what you are working on and the effort to even get to work feels like a job in itself.

If this is you, start looking for a new job that you are passionate about like yesterday! Because first and foremost, why spend hours of your life doing something you are not passionate about?

Lack of motivation might start to affect your performance and turn into a bit of a self sabotage situation. Because, if you are not motivated then you are probably not as productive, not doing your best work or all that fun to be around as a co-worker.

Do yourself a favor and find an opportunity that allows you to be your best version of yourself. Where you will be producing quality work that you enjoy being a part of and you aren’t staring at the clock every five minutes.

It’s affecting your health

You are feeling very overwhelmed or anxious. Worrying about work is your new norm and it’s beginning to consume other areas of your life outside of the nine to five. Stress at work happens. We all have performance expectations and deadlines. It can contribute to unhealthy eating habits, depression, mental exhaustion, weight gain, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Your health is important than your job. Take steps to find a better environment or role that won’t leave you tossing and turning all night. If it’s really getting to you and you can’t part way just yet, talk to your doctor and find strategies to cope in the meantime.

You can’t stand your boss

Misscommunication, avoid them when you can and maybe just maybe an eye roll or two occurs when they walk away from your desk. Maybe it’s you or maybe it’s them. Whether you two just can’t get on the same page or they truly are bad boss. The cold hard truth is, you could land your dream job, but your boss can make or break it.

Your are not learning anything new

You rock at your job but maybe a little bit too much. You can’t remember the last time you were pushed out of your comfort zone or being a part of a challenging project.

When you stop learning at your job, it’s a sign that your career growth might be in a plateau. If you absolutely love your job, it’s fine! But, you may regret being at standstill when it does come time to make a switch.

If you are staying in a role for so long now, you are not continuing to build your skill set while other people are. Always keep in mind what your next ideal role is and keep you career progression in mind.

You are not happy

You hate going, you don’t like the people you work with and you don’t like what you’re working on. We won’t do the math, but you spend a lot of hours at your job throughout your lifetime. Do you really want to dedicate all of that time to something you don’t even like? Me neither.

It’s in your hands to create your dream career. So if your current job doesn’t fit into the equation, dump it like that ex-boyfriend you never knew why you started dating in the first place!!


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