How To Cope With Job Loss

Do you find it hard to cope with job loss?

The time has come for you to cheer up. What happened has happened. Dust yourself off and relax. Learn how to cope with job loss by just following the next steps. Your situation right now should not determine how you approach your altitude in life.

As a guide, follow the steps bellow on How to Cope With Job Loss. Regardless of how tough your situation is, it is absolutely important that you maintain a certain degree of positive attitude when you are searching for a new job.

Don’t take it personally

Loss of a job is stressful, but you are not the only person that lost his job. Thousands of people are made redundant every year. It is purely about an organization trying to survive by responding to the current economic climate, change in the market and competitive conditions of today.

Know About the classic stages of change

Know about the classic stages of change. You will move from shock to denial. Then, you will gradually accept the stage to finally start from the beginning. For any change, you will go through curve emotion and you will need to get through the curve. People, always do and the sooner you focus on what is important for you, the sooner you will move through the change curve.

Be pragmatic and deal with your emotions

The news of losing your jobs will probably cause a major shock. It will cause a range of reductions and emotions. Anger, denial, sadness, fear and a feeling of helplessness are some of them. Understand that there is nothing you can do to change this decision.

Banish Negative Thoughts

Dealing with job loss is tough but dealing with negative thoughts will engulf you. Do not be negative and of course don’t imagine worst case scenarios for yourself. Focus on how you will handle the situation, look after yourself, connect with your friends and go out for walks and enjoy your preferred hobby. Keep to your normal routines as much as possible and create some new routines to give your life some structure.

You are not alone

Open any newspaper, listen to the news and check In the modern workforce, most professionals will experience redundancy at some point in their career. Think about this in any case you think you are alone. The important thing is how you move on to a new beginning.

Know Your Rights

Your employer is legally obliged to follow procedures when making any of their staff redundant. This includes making sure that you are receive an explanation in writing and that the job losses are genuine redundancies and not just an excuse for dismissing certain people. Regardless of the lengthy of your employment, you should be entitles to some notice pay.

Update Your CV/ Resume

Take an audit of your skills and accomplishments that you bring to any job. Use the details to update your CV. Your organization may provide you with the help of an outplacement service. If they do, take full advantage of this. The may also pay for courses that will upgrade your skill set. It is important that you get as  many written references from your current employer as you can.

The time is now to find your next job

Start to search for work with a sense of focus. With your updated CV, look everywhere for job opportunities and read up on interview techniques. Plan, prepare and practice for an interview. In the interim, try to work on part-time basis or as a freelance while you weigh up your next move.

You might feel there is nothing to smile about at times, but make an effort to smile and be positive. No one can take your skills, knowledge and achievements away from you. It is your position that is redundant, not you. Life is good because you are still alive and kicking. You can look for another job and it is just a phase that will pass. No one can get you down except yourself.




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